I am pleased to announce that Pyon Sound will begin to carry the Aventurine 6 cartridge from Steinmusic, Germany. Pyon Sound will carry the Aventurine 6 as the only one model to be available, since the Aventrine 6 is the uncompromized cartridge design which perfectly fits the philosophy of Pyon Sound, " Do not make it if not the best under the given limit." * Model : Aventurine 6 * Suggested retail price : USD 4,490.00 * Type : a moving coil cartridge * Output : 0.34 mV * Tracking force : 1.5 ~ 1.7 gram * Internal ohms: 34 ohms
* Loading range: >300
* Compliance : 15 (medium compliance)
* Weight : 18 grams Steinmusic is a high end audio manufacturer which is based in Mulheim, Gernamy. It manufactures extensive array of audio products ranging from power amps, to preamps, to CD players, to speakers and to various sound enhancement devices. Especially, sound enhancement devices from Steinmusic are fastly gaining international reputation for performance. Among them, the Harmonizer, the Maestro, and the E-pad+S have stirred the audiophile world in the 2011 CES/THE Show which was held in last January in Las Vegas, USA. Many professional reviewers as well as audiophiles acknowledged thier astounding effects on sonic improvement, writing their impression in various web magazines and internet blogs. For further information on Steinmusic, please visit its website at www.steinmusic.com.