Pyon Sound
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The latest incarnation of our long-experience and extensive know-hows in resonance and vibration control results in the SPIRA, a ultimate performance tuning feet.
The SPIRA represents simply the pinnacle of our design, material science, structural physics, and extreme engineering.
It combines only the best materials of coveted Tank wood, aero-grade duralumin, proprietary spiral suspension, and precision zirconium bearings with eye-catching aesthetics and astounding performance.
Again, the SPIRA is another solid proof of our motto "WE DO NOT MAKE IT IF NOT THE BEST UNDER GIVEN LIMIT."

Please, visit our product pages for further information or email us. (


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21      2021 PRICE LIST for Pyon Sound Art   Pyon Sound 2013-12-03 2946
20      WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTORS & SHOWROOMS   Pyon Sound 2011-04-04 2553
19      CONTACT INFORMATION & ADDRESS   Pyon Sound 2010-03-25 1104
18    Launching the TP1-A, the most sought-after LAWTHER speaker   Pyon Sound 2013-10-25 2888
17    LAUNCHING THE ULTIMA BLACK PEARL TURNTABLE   Pyon Sound 2013-09-22 11113
16    2012 MOST WANTED COMPONENT AWARD - IRIS REFERENCE tonearm   Pyon Sound 2013-02-02 2407
15    IRIS Reference Tonearm, MC Master SUT, & IRIS 3 Phonostage   Pyon Sound 2013-01-21 2987
14    2011 Stereo Times MWC Award for ULTIMA II Turntable   Pyon Sound 2012-01-21 3307
13    NEW SPIRA 2   Pyon Sound 2011-09-25 4300
   NEW ULTIMATE TUNING FEET - SPIRA   Pyon Sound 2011-03-12 4053
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